Art by Notsew00

The Lore

Starphyre was no ordinary fox. She was a mystical creature, born from the shimmering lights of the northern sky. Her fur sparkled with hues of pink, purple, and silver, resembling the dancing colors of the aurora borealis. As a fox spirit, she possessed ancient wisdom and unfathomable power that was both revered and feared by those who knew of her existence.From a young age, Starphyre roamed the icy tundra under the cloak of night, her ethereal presence guiding lost souls and protecting travelers from harm. Whispers spread among villagers about a mysterious fox with eyes that glowed like stars in the dark - they called her Starphyre, for she was as beautiful and elusive as the celestial wonders above. With each flicker of light in the night sky, she felt a deep connection to her celestial origins, knowing that her purpose on Earth was intertwined with the magic of the northern lights.But as time passed and humans encroached further into her territory, Starphyre's peaceful existence began to crumble. Some saw her as an omen of ill fortune while others sought to capture her for their own selfish desires. Despite these threats against her kindred spirit animals and sacred lands, Starphyre remained steadfast in her mission to protect all living beings under the watchful gaze of Aurora Borealis - for she knew that only through harmony between nature and humanity could true balance be restored to their shared world.

Rules of the Community

  • This is an 18+ community if you are under 18 you will be BANNED

  • ✦ Be Kind (NO NEGATIVITY)

  • ✦ Listen and respect the mods!


  • ✦ English-only in the chat please!

  • ✦ No excessive backseat gaming, unless I ask for assistance

  • ✦ No controversial or political topics in chat or TTS

  • ✦ No emotion-dumping or "sadposting"

  • ✦ LGBTQ+ BLM Mental Health supported here

Weißer Ritter

VTuber Group
Discord Community

art by Lee Cooper
Character Sheet by tsukichan

Credit to the Artists

Vikatus - Character Art & Rigging

EastraMoon - Emotes | Channel Point Emote

Reed Overlay - Background

Efhena - Stream Overlay | Stream Assets | Logo

Mila - Chatbox

AssetShop - Panels, Widgets

Lee Cooper - Mascot Art (Cooper) & other works

tsukichan - Character sheet art

Roseo__vt - Fan Art & More

Fan Art Allowed
Art Tag #foxtail

  • Changing Hair

  • Changing Cloths

  • Cross Dress

  • Gender Swap

  • With Other Characters (Friendly)

Fan Art Not Allowed

  • Changing Body Type

  • Manic Moods

  • Death

  • Drugs

© Starphyre Art/Rig by Vikatus.